Collaborating to build a thriving Gabriola…
The Gabriola Health & Wellbeing Collaborative was formed in 2016 when a group of local organizations and inspired individuals came together in support of a shared vision:
a healthy Gabriola community.
Thank you to all the Gabriola Health and Wellbeing Collaborative members who completed the survey!
We look forward to sharing the results with you at the upcoming planning workshops at the Community Hall on Sunday, May 4 from 1-4pm and Sunday, May 18 from 1-4pm. More details to follow, including registration information.
Questions? Contact our Community Wellbeing Coordinator, Penny Scott:
Our 50+ members represent health and social services, emergency services, environment, arts and culture, economy, food security, housing, public amenities, sports and recreation, religious and spiritual groups, civil society, and local government …all collaborating to build a thriving Gabriola.
Community engagement with Islands Trust, GaLTT, GIMS, and others.
Youth supporting food security programs with People for a Healthy Community.
We meet monthly to identify pressing issues facing our community, find ways of working together to address them, and share information about our organizations’ activities.
Territorial Acknowledgement
We live on these islands as the uninvited guests of the Snuneymuxw people and acknowledge that these are the unceded territories of the Snuneymuxw nation. We acknowledge, with respect and appreciation, the stewardship of generations of Snuneymuxw people in caring for this land. We recognize that the health of this place is fundamental to the health of our community. It is our desire to work with the Snuneymuxw to improve the health and wellbeing of all our peoples.
Islanders of all ages learning about local seafood. Credit: Gabriola Recreation Society.