Who We Are.

Our collaborative was formed in 2016 when a group of local organizations and inspired individuals came together in support of a shared vision: a healthy Gabriola community

We’ve since expanded to include over 50 charities, non-profits, public services, informal groups, and other subject matter experts on Gabriola.

50+ Members

Our Collaborative member organizations represent health and social services, emergency services, the environment, arts and culture, the economy, food security, housing, public amenities, sports and recreation, religious and spiritual groups, civil society, and local government.

Gabriola Volunteer Fire Department (GVFD) members of Gabriola Health & Wellbeing Collaborative

Gabriola Volunteer Fire Department is a Collaborative member.

Social Determinants of Health

The range of the member organizations enables the Collaborative to address the Social Determinants of Health (SDH). Community and individual health and wellbeing depend on the degree that people have the ability to address the full range of these social determinants. The list that follows incorporates both SDH and resiliency factors.

To achieve and sustain health, individuals must have:

  • affordable, safe shelter

  • nutritious food + clean water

  • economic security

  • a healthy physical environment

  • freedom from violence + conflict

  • health services

  • education + literacy opportunities

  • positive childhood experiences

  • social supports

  • freedom from stigma

  • a voice in decisions

Community Wellbeing Coordinator

The Community Wellbeing Coordinator position has now been approved by the Regional District of Nanaimo!

The Coordinator will help facilitate cooperation and innovation amongst the 50+ Collaborative members to effectively address complex factors influencing community health and wellbeing on Gabriola.

Stay tuned for information and next steps about hiring for this integral community role.

What We’re About


A Thriving Gabriola Community.


To create opportunities among the GHWC members for mutual support, shared advocacy, and improved use of funding resources, in order to improve the health of all Gabriolans.


Caring and Compassion – We care for each other and for the land on which we live and depend.

Knowledge – We continually learn about the needs of Gabriolans and our island home.

Relationships – We build relationships based on safety, inclusion, and accountability.

Respect – We create spaces for communication that allow all participants to share their views.

Sustainability – We have the flexibility and capacity to adapt to new and changing challenges and to sustain the work.

Broad Goals:

  1. Sustain an integrated approach to community wellbeing.

  2. Identify and act on emerging challenges to community wellbeing.

  3. Create welcoming, inclusive engagement opportunities.

Specific Objectives for 2023-2028

  • e.g., create initiatives to support young families; support efforts to recruit physicians.

  • e.g., create living wage jobs; create spaces for vulnerable and marginalized people to have voice in decisions affecting them.

  • e.g., implement innovative solutions to meet diverse needs.

  • e.g., support local efforts to increase amount of protected land.

  • e.g., strengthen food security;enhance neighbourhood planning capacity.

  • e.g., support Ferry Hill safety project.